track Brd4_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel Brd4 ChIP-seq tracks longLabel Brd4 ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002462_bigWig parent Brd4_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Brd4 ChIP-seq WT longLabel Brd4 ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002460_bigWig parent Brd4_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Brd4 ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel Brd4 ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002463_bigWig parent Brd4_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Brd4 input WT longLabel Brd4 input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002461_bigWig parent Brd4_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Brd4 input MZnps longLabel Brd4 input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track Eomesa_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel Eomesa ChIP-seq tracks longLabel Eomesa ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002426_bigWig parent Eomesa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Eomesa ChIP-seq WT longLabel Eomesa ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002427_bigWig parent Eomesa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Eomesa input WT longLabel Eomesa input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002424_bigWig parent Eomesa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Eomesa ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel Eomesa ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002425_bigWig parent Eomesa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Eomesa input MZnps longLabel Eomesa input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H2AK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H2AK5ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H2AK5ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002635_bigWig parent H2AK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2AK5ac ChIP-seq WT longLabel H2AK5ac ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002632_bigWig parent H2AK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2AK5ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H2AK5ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002592_bigWig parent H2AK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT longLabel input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002597_bigWig parent H2AK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H2A.Zac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H2A.Zac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002528_bigWig parent H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002522_bigWig parent H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002526_bigWig parent H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac input WT rep 1 longLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002520_bigWig parent H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac input MZnps longLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002481_bigWig parent H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H2A.ZK4/7ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig parent H2A.Zac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track H2A.Z_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H2A.Z ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H2A.Z ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002557_bigWig parent H2A.Z_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.Z ChIP-seq WT longLabel H2A.Z ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002549_bigWig parent H2A.Z_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2A.Z ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H2A.Z ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002563_bigWig parent H2A.Z_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 1 longLabel input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002555_bigWig parent H2A.Z_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H2BK15ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H2BK15ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H2BK15ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002636_bigWig parent H2BK15ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2BK15ac ChIP-seq WT longLabel H2BK15ac ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002633_bigWig parent H2BK15ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2BK15ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H2BK15ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002592_bigWig_30 parent H2BK15ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT longLabel input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002597_bigWig_31 parent H2BK15ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002558_bigWig parent H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002550_bigWig parent H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002563_bigWig_35 parent H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 1 longLabel input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002555_bigWig_36 parent H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002483_bigWig parent H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H2BK5ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_38 parent H2BK5ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002559_bigWig parent H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002551_bigWig parent H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002563_bigWig_42 parent H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 1 longLabel input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002555_bigWig_43 parent H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002484_bigWig parent H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H3K14ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_45 parent H3K14ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track H3K18ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K18ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K18ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002458_bigWig parent H3K18ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K18ac ChIP-seq WT longLabel H3K18ac ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002459_bigWig parent H3K18ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K18ac input WT longLabel H3K18ac input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002456_bigWig parent H3K18ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K18ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K18ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002457_bigWig parent H3K18ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K18ac input MZnps longLabel H3K18ac input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002274_bigWig parent H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002273_bigWig parent H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002278_bigWig parent H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K27ac input WT rep 1 longLabel H3K27ac input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002277_bigWig parent H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K27ac input WT rep 2 longLabel H3K27ac input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002272_bigWig parent H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K27ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002276_bigWig parent H3K27ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K27ac input MZnps longLabel H3K27ac input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002560_bigWig parent H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002552_bigWig parent H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002563_bigWig_61 parent H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 1 longLabel input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002555_bigWig_62 parent H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002485_bigWig parent H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H3K36ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_64 parent H3K36ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track H3K4me1_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K4me1 ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K4me1 ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002600_bigWig parent H3K4me1_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K4me1 ChIP-seq WT longLabel H3K4me1 ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002595_bigWig parent H3K4me1_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K4me1 ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K4me1 ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002592_bigWig_68 parent H3K4me1_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT longLabel input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002597_bigWig_69 parent H3K4me1_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H3K4me3_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K4me3 ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K4me3 ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002601_bigWig parent H3K4me3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K4me3 ChIP-seq WT longLabel H3K4me3 ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002596_bigWig parent H3K4me3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K4me3 ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K4me3 ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002592_bigWig_73 parent H3K4me3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT longLabel input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002597_bigWig_74 parent H3K4me3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002530_bigWig parent H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002524_bigWig parent H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002527_bigWig parent H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac/p300 input WT rep 1 longLabel H3K9ac/p300 input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002521_bigWig parent H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac/p300 input MZnps longLabel H3K9ac/p300 input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002486_bigWig parent H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H3K9ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_81 parent H3K9ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track H3_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H3 ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H3 ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002598_bigWig parent H3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3 ChIP-seq WT longLabel H3 ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002593_bigWig parent H3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3 ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H3 ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002592_bigWig_85 parent H3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT longLabel input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002597_bigWig_86 parent H3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002561_bigWig parent H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002553_bigWig parent H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002563_bigWig_90 parent H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 1 longLabel input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002555_bigWig_91 parent H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002487_bigWig parent H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H4K16ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_93 parent H4K16ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq tracks longLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002562_bigWig parent H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002554_bigWig parent H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002563_bigWig_97 parent H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 1 longLabel input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002555_bigWig_98 parent H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input MZnps longLabel input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002488_bigWig parent H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel H4K8ac ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_100 parent H4K8ac_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track Nanog_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel Nanog ChIP-seq tracks longLabel Nanog ChIP-seq tracks (Xu et al 2012) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track SIN000103_bigWig parent Nanog_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Nanog ChIP-seq WT longLabel Nanog ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track SIN000106_bigWig parent Nanog_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Nanog input WT longLabel Nanog input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track NFYa_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel NFYa ChIP-seq tracks longLabel NFYa ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002574_bigWig parent NFYa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel NFYa ChIP-seq WT longLabel NFYa ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002567_bigWig parent NFYa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel NFYa ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel NFYa ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002575_bigWig parent NFYa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel NFYa input WT longLabel NFYa input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002568_bigWig parent NFYa_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel NFYa input MZnps longLabel NFYa input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel p300 ChIP-seq tracks longLabel p300 ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002531_bigWig parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel p300 ChIP-seq WT rep 1 longLabel p300 ChIP-seq WT replicate 1 priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002525_bigWig parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel p300 ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel p300 ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002527_bigWig_112 parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac/p300 input WT rep 1 longLabel H3K9ac/p300 input WT replicate 1 priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002521_bigWig_113 parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel H3K9ac/p300 input MZnps longLabel H3K9ac/p300 input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002570_bigWig parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel p300 ChIP-seq WT with Pol II pausing longLabel p300 ChIP-seq WT with Pol II pausing priority 5 alwaysZero on color 164,128,235 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002569_bigWig parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel p300 input WT with Pol II pausing longLabel p300 input WT with Pol II pausing priority 6 alwaysZero on color 164,128,235 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002490_bigWig parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel p300 ChIP-seq WT rep 2 longLabel p300 ChIP-seq WT replicate 2 priority 7 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002489_bigWig_117 parent p300_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel input WT rep 2 longLabel input WT replicate 2 priority 8 alwaysZero on color 48,51,163 subGroups level=replicate track Pol_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel Pol ChIP-seq tracks longLabel Pol ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002418_bigWig parent Pol_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Pol II ChIP-seq WT longLabel Pol II ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002419_bigWig parent Pol_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Pol II input WT longLabel Pol II input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002416_bigWig parent Pol_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Pol II ChIP-seq MZnps longLabel Pol II ChIP-seq MZnps priority 3 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002417_bigWig parent Pol_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Pol II input MZnps longLabel Pol II input MZnps priority 4 alwaysZero on color 255,182,111 subGroups level=replicate track Pou5f3_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel Pou5f3 ChIP-seq tracks longLabel Pou5f3 ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN002413_bigWig parent Pou5f3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Pou5f3 ChIP-seq WT longLabel Pou5f3 ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN002415_bigWig parent Pou5f3_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Pou5f3 input WT longLabel Pou5f3 input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track Sox19b_chip-seq_track_multiwig container multiWig type bigWig 0 90000 shortLabel Sox19b ChIP-seq tracks longLabel Sox19b ChIP-seq tracks (Miao et al 2022) configurable on maxHeightPixels 150:50:20 aggregate none showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction mean priority 100 subGroup1 level Level sample=Sample replicate=Replicate track AGN001242_bigWig parent Sox19b_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Sox19b ChIP-seq WT longLabel Sox19b ChIP-seq WT priority 1 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate track AGN001243_bigWig parent Sox19b_chip-seq_track_multiwig type bigWig bigDataUrl shortLabel Sox19b input WT longLabel Sox19b input WT priority 2 alwaysZero on color 34,195,255 subGroups level=replicate